A car traveling at a uniform speed of 120km/h passes two stations in 4 minutes.calculate the distance between the two stations

To find the distance between the two stations, we need to know the time it took for the car to travel between the two stations.

In this case, it took the car 4 minutes to travel between the two stations.

We know that speed = distance/time.

Since the car was traveling at a uniform speed of 120 km/h, we can convert this to km/minute by dividing by 60 (since there are 60 minutes in an hour).

120 km/h / 60 minutes = 2 km/minute.

We can now calculate the distance between the two stations by multiplying the speed by the time:

Distance = Speed x Time
Distance = 2 km/minute x 4 minutes
Distance = 8 km

Therefore, the distance between the two stations is 8 kilometers.