A motorist traveling at 72km/h has his eyes shut for 0.45seconds during a hard sneeze.calculate the distance covered by him during his time interval

To calculate the distance covered by the motorist during the 0.45 seconds, we need to convert the speed from km/h to m/s.

First, let's convert 72 km/h to m/s:
1 km = 1000 m
1 hour = 3600 seconds

Speed in m/s = (72 km/h) * (1000 m/km) * (1/3600 h/s)
= 20 m/s

Now, we can calculate the distance covered using the formula:
Distance = Speed * Time

Distance = 20 m/s * 0.45 s
Distance = 9 meters

Therefore, the motorist covers a distance of 9 meters during the 0.45-second interval.