Dawn, Keith, and John are all working on a history project. Dawn spent 1.5 hours less than 6 times as many hours on the project as John did. Keith spent 1.2 hours more than 5 times as many hours on the project as John did. If Dawn and Keith spent the same amount of time working on the project, how many hours did John spend working on the project?

There is not enough information.

Letting the number of hours John spent on the project be x, we can create the equation for Dawn: 6x-1.5=Dawn

We can create an equation for Keith: 5x+1.2=Keith
Since Dawn and Keith spent the same amount of time on the project: 6x-1.5=5x+1.2
Simplifying the equation, we find: x=2.7 hours. Answer: \boxed{0.3}.