What is the primary evidence for the existance of Dark Energy? Explain

Stars do not produce enough energy to account for the amount of light radiation observed, so those stars must have dark energy as well
Galaxies are releasing too much radioactive material to explain the amount of energy produced by stars, so there must be Dark Energy to make up the balance
Dark Energy is needed to produce some of the heavier elements in the Universe, as stars cannot generate the energy to do that
The Universe is expanding too fast to be accounted for the with current energy, so Dark Energy must exist to increase the velocity of the expansion


The Universe is expanding too fast to be accounted for with current energy, so Dark Energy must exist to increase the velocity of the expansion. This conclusion is based on observations of distant supernovae by astronomers in the late 1990s. They found that the rate of expansion of the Universe is accelerating, rather than slowing down as expected. This discovery led to the proposal of Dark Energy as a hypothetical form of energy that permeates all of space and is driving this accelerated expansion. Further observations and measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation, large-scale structure of the Universe, and gravitational lensing have provided additional evidence for the existence of Dark Energy.