Which statements below correctly describe the bonding in the compound Potassium Bromide? Choose the 4 correct statements below. explain

Bromine transfers seven electrons to Potassium.
Potassium transfers one electron to Bromine.
Potassium shares one electron with Bromine.
Bromine shares seven electrons with Potassium.
The bond between Potassium and Bromine is covalent.
The bond between Potassium and Bromine is polar covalent.
The bond between Potassium and Bromine is ionic.
Potassium will lose an electron to become a positively charged ion.
Potassium will lose an electron to become a negatively charged ion.
Bromine will gain an electron to become a positively charged ion.
Bromine will gain an electron to become a negatively charged ion.

The correct statements about the bonding in Potassium Bromide are:

b. Potassium transfers one electron to Bromine.
g. The bond between Potassium and Bromine is ionic.
h. Potassium will lose an electron to become a positively charged ion.
k. Bromine will gain an electron to become a negatively charged ion.

In the compound Potassium Bromide, Potassium (K) donates one electron to Bromine (Br). This results in the formation of a ionic bond between the two elements. Potassium loses one electron to achieve a full outer electron shell and becomes a positively charged ion (K+). Bromine gains one electron to achieve a full outer electron shell and becomes a negatively charged ion (Br-). Therefore, statement b, g, h, and k correctly describe the bonding in Potassium Bromide.