definition of:

civic unity
common good
due process
law and order
representative democracy

1. Civic Unity: The state of harmony and cooperation among members of a community or society, where individuals work together towards common goals and interests.

2. Common Good: The overall welfare and well-being of the general public, where policies and actions are implemented to benefit the collective rather than individual interests.

3. Constitutionalism: The principles and practices that uphold the authority and limitations of a constitution, ensuring that government actions are consistent with the established constitution.

4. Diversity: The presence of a variety of different identities, backgrounds, and perspectives in a society, promoting inclusivity and respect for ethnic, cultural, religious, and socio-economic differences.

5. Due Process: A fair and just legal proceedings that ensures the rights of individuals are protected, including the right to be informed of charges, right to legal representation, and right to a fair trial.

6. Equality: The state of being treated fairly and having equal rights and opportunities regardless of individual characteristics such as race, gender, religion, or socio-economic status.

7. Independence: The ability of a person or entity to act autonomously and freely without being influenced or controlled by external forces.

8. Justice: The concept of fairness and impartiality in the distribution of rewards and punishments, ensuring that rights are respected and individuals are held accountable for their actions.

9. Law and Order: The maintenance of public safety, peace, and stability through the enforcement of laws and regulations, ensuring that individuals and communities are protected from crime and harm.

10. Liberty: The state of personal freedom and autonomy, where individuals are able to exercise their rights and make choices without interference or oppression.

11. Patriotism: Love and dedication towards one's country, including a sense of loyalty, devotion, and willingness to contribute towards its betterment.

12. Representative Democracy: A form of government where citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf, ensuring that the will of the people is reflected in the decision-making process.

13. Tolerance: The acceptance and respect for differing beliefs, values, opinions, and behaviors, promoting peaceful coexistence and understanding among individuals in a diverse society.