Column A

Zn + AuCl3 ->

Will Zinc (Zn) replace Gold (Au) in the above reaction?

Zn + AuCl3 ->

Will Zinc (Zn) replace Gold (Au) in the above reaction?

Pb + MgSO4 ->

Will lead (Pb) replace magnesium (Mg) in the reaction above?

Pb + MgSO4 ->

Will lead (Pb) replace magnesium (Mg) in the reaction above?

Column B
a.Yes. The reaction will not occur because Zinc is more reactive than Gold.
Yes. The reaction will occur because Lead is more reactive than Magnesium.

c.No. The reaction will not occur because Lead is less reactive than Magnesium.
No. The reaction will not occur because Zinc is less reactive than Gold.

Column A:

1. Zn + AuCl3
2. Pb + MgSO4

Column B:
a. Yes. The reaction will not occur because Zinc is more reactive than Gold.
c. No. The reaction will not occur because Lead is less reactive than Magnesium.