A cyclist travels at at speed of 15km/h. How many hours will it take him to travel x metres

To find the time it takes for the cyclist to travel a distance of x meters, we need to convert the distance from meters to kilometers since the speed is given in kilometers per hour.

1 kilometer = 1000 meters

So, the distance in kilometers is x/1000 kilometers.

To find the time, we divide the distance in kilometers by the speed in kilometers per hour.

Time = (x/1000) km / 15 km/h

Since the distance is in meters, let's convert it back to minutes.

Time = (x/1000)/15 * 60 minutes

Simplifying further:

Time = x/(1000 * 15) * 60 minutes

Time = x/15000 * 60 minutes

Hence, it will take the cyclist x/15000 * 60 minutes to travel x meters.