Explain the meaning of the following words;


- Convictions: Convictions refer to strong beliefs or opinions held by an individual. These beliefs are deeply rooted and are not easily changed or swayed. They are often based on personal values, moral principles, or faith.

- Escalated: Escalated means to increase or intensify something. It is used to describe a situation that has gotten more serious, severe, or out of control. Escalation can happen in various contexts, such as conflicts, tensions, or prices, and it signifies a rapid increase in intensity or severity.

- Impetus: Impetus refers to the force or energy that propels or motivates something to happen or change. It is typically associated with a stimulus or a driving factor that initiates action or progress in a particular direction. Impetus can come from various sources such as inspiration, motivation, or external events, and it plays a crucial role in driving momentum and development.