How does the level of development in a country impact responses to resource scarcity?(1 point) Responses Economically developed countries don’t experience scarcity because they have lower levels of resource consumption. Economically developed countries don’t experience scarcity because they have lower levels of resource consumption. Less economically developed countries have money to invest in technology to better utilize available resources. Less economically developed countries have money to invest in technology to better utilize available resources. Economically developed countries have more money to secure needed resources through trade. Economically developed countries have more money to secure needed resources through trade. Less economically developed countries have more money to secure needed resources through trade.

Economically developed countries have more money to secure needed resources through trade. They can afford to import resources from other countries to meet their needs. This allows them to mitigate the impact of resource scarcity within their own borders.

Less economically developed countries, on the other hand, may not have sufficient funds to import resources. However, they may be able to invest in technology to better utilize the available resources they have. This can include implementing efficient farming techniques, developing renewable energy sources, or improving water management practices.

It is important to note that the impact of development on responses to resource scarcity can vary depending on various factors such as the level of governance, infrastructure, and socio-economic conditions within a country. Additionally, the level of resource consumption does not solely determine the response to scarcity, as other factors such as political decisions and environmental factors also play a role.