it has been said that we do not control what native ability we were born with, but we do control our attitude and effort. Give an example of your best attitude and effort in school

One example of my best attitude and effort in school was during my final year in high school when I decided to take up a challenging advanced mathematics course. Mathematics had never been my strongest suit, and I initially felt overwhelmed and doubted my ability to excel in the class.

However, instead of allowing myself to be discouraged, I made a conscious effort to change my mindset and adopt a positive attitude. I began attending every class with an open and eager mindset, ready to absorb new concepts. I actively participated in class discussions, asked questions when I needed clarification, and sought additional resources to supplement my learning.

Recognizing that effort goes hand in hand with attitude, I dedicated several hours each day to studying and practicing mathematics. I created a structured study routine, breaking down complex topics into manageable chunks and setting achievable goals. Even when faced with challenging problem sets, I approached them with determination and a belief that I could conquer them with sufficient effort and practice.

My perseverance and positive attitude paid off. As the year progressed, I noticed my grasp of mathematical concepts improving, and I started scoring higher on exams and assignments. Additionally, I began to enjoy the subject more, as the sense of accomplishment from overcoming obstacles fueled my motivation.

Ultimately, my best attitude and effort in that advanced mathematics course not only allowed me to excel academically but also instilled in me a valuable lesson about the power of mindset. It taught me that with the right attitude and unwavering effort, I can overcome challenges and achieve success in areas I might not have thought possible.