Which statements below correctly describe the particles of a gas. Choose the 3 statements that apply. explain

Gas particles vibrate slowly in their stationary positions.
Gas particles have high kinetic energy.
Gas particles have low kinetic energy.
Gases have a definite shape and volume.
Gas particles are in constant, random motion.
Gases have NO definite shape or volume. They take the shape and volume of the container they are in.

b, e, f are the correct statements.

b) Gas particles have high kinetic energy: Gas particles are in constant motion and move rapidly, thus they possess high kinetic energy.
e) Gas particles are in constant, random motion: Gas particles move and collide with each other and the walls of the container in a random and unpredictable manner.
f) Gases have NO definite shape or volume. They take the shape and volume of the container they are in: Unlike solids and liquids, gases do not have a fixed shape or volume. They fill the entire volume of the container they are placed in, taking on its shape.