A man drives a distance of 255kmin t hours . He estimates that's his average speed is between 50km/h and 75km/h. Hw long does the journey take.

To find the time it takes for the journey, we need to divide the distance by the average speed.

Let's find the time it would take at the lower limit of the speed (50 km/h):

Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 255 km / 50 km/h
Time = 5.1 hours

Now, let's find the time it would take at the upper limit of the speed (75 km/h):

Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 255 km / 75 km/h
Time = 3.4 hours

Since the average speed is estimated to be between 50 km/h and 75 km/h, the time it takes for the journey will be between 5.1 hours and 3.4 hours.