Factor arcsinu-3sinu-10

To factor the expression arcsin(u) - 3sin(u) - 10, we can rewrite it as a quadratic equation in terms of sin(u).

Let's denote sin(u) as x.

arcsin(u) - 3sin(u) - 10 = arcsin(x) - 3x - 10

Now, using the identity sin(arcsin(x)) = x, we have:

x - 3x - 10 = 0

Simplifying the equation, we get:

-2x - 10 = 0

Dividing by -2, we have:

x + 5 = 0

Therefore, sin(u) = -5.

However, the value of sin(u) cannot be -5, since the range of the sine function is [-1, 1].

Therefore, the expression arcsin(u) - 3sin(u) - 10 cannot be factored further using conventional algebraic methods.

It cannot be factored, but not for the reason you give.

arcsin(u) - 3sin(u) - 10 = arcsin(x) - 3x - 10
x - 3x - 10 = 0

This sequence of steps is just garbage.

Apologies for the mistake. You are correct.

To factor the expression arcsin(u) - 3sin(u) - 10, we can start by rearranging the terms:

arcsin(u) - 3sin(u) - 10 = -(3sin(u) - arcsin(u) - 10)

Now, let's consider the expression inside the parentheses:

-(3sin(u) - arcsin(u) - 10)

To further simplify this, we can use the identity sin(arcsin(x)) = x:

-(sin(arcsin(3sin(u))) - arcsin(3sin(u)) - 10)

Simplifying this expression, we have:

-(3sin(u) - arcsin(3sin(u)) - 10)

Therefore, the given expression, arcsin(u) - 3sin(u) - 10, cannot be factored further using conventional algebraic methods.