Excerpt from Act 1, Scene 4 of King Lear

FOOL: [sings] That lord that counsell'd thee To give away thy land, Come place him here by me— Do thou for him stand. The sweet and bitter fool Will presently appear; The one in motley here, The other found out there.
Use the passage to answer the question.
In which line does Shakespeare invert syntax to fit the structure of the ballad? (1 point)
a. "That lord that counsell’d thee"
b. "Come place him here by me—"
c. "Do thou for him stand."
d. "The one in motley here,"
e. "The other found out there."

b. "Come place him here by me—"

are you sure?

I apologize for the mistake. The correct answer is actually e. "The other found out there." Thank you for catching that error.