2.2 what is the factor that affect population pressure ?

There are various factors that affect population pressure, including:

1. Birth rate: The number of births in a population can contribute to population pressure. High birth rates result in increasing population size, leading to overcrowding and strain on resources.

2. Death rate: The number of deaths in a population affects population pressure. If the death rate is low, the population will continue to increase, resulting in increased pressure on resources.

3. Migration: Population pressure can be influenced by migration - both immigration (people moving into a particular area) and emigration (people leaving a particular area). If there is a high immigration rate, the population size will increase, leading to population pressure.

4. Resources availability: The availability of resources, such as food, water, shelter, and healthcare, can affect population pressure. Limited resources can put strain on the population, leading to competition and potential conflicts.

5. Economic conditions: Economic factors, such as unemployment, poverty, and income disparities, can influence population pressure. High unemployment rates and poverty levels can create societal challenges and put pressure on the population.

6. Education and healthcare: Access to quality education and healthcare services can impact population pressure. Better education and healthcare facilities can lead to lower birth rates and improved well-being, reducing population pressure.

7. Government policies: Government policies on family planning, immigration, and economic development can influence population pressure. Effective family planning programs can help manage population growth, while immigration policies can impact population size.

8. Environmental factors: Environmental conditions, such as availability of arable land, climate change, natural disasters, pollution, and degradation of resources, can affect population pressure. These factors can impact food production and livelihoods, leading to population pressure.

It is important to note that these factors can interact and influence each other, and their impact on population pressure may vary in different regions and contexts.