2.1 what is the main causes of population number rapid growth ?

The main causes of rapid population growth can be attributed to several factors, including:

1. Decline in death rates: Medical advancements, improved healthcare facilities, and better access to sanitation and clean water have led to a significant decline in death rates. This has resulted in a higher number of people surviving to reproductive age and subsequently increasing the overall population.

2. Increase in birth rates: Cultural, social, and economic factors can lead to high birth rates. Societies that prioritize large families, lack of access to contraception, lack of education and awareness about family planning methods, and limited opportunities for women outside of childbearing contribute to increased birth rates and overall population growth.

3. Lack of family planning and contraception: Limited availability and access to family planning resources, including contraception, can result in unintended pregnancies and higher birth rates.

4. Poverty and lack of education: Poverty and lack of education are often associated with higher birth rates. In many developing countries, families have more children as a means of security, for labor, or to compensate for high infant and child mortality rates. Lack of education and economic opportunities perpetuate this cycle.

5. Migration and refugee influxes: The movement of people from one region to another, whether due to economic factors, conflict, or seeking better living conditions, can result in rapid population growth in specific areas. Large influxes of refugees from war-torn regions can put strain on housing, resources, and healthcare systems in host countries.

It is important to note that population growth is a complex issue influenced by various social, economic, cultural, and political factors, and understanding the specific causes can vary from one region to another.