Which of the following was NOT used by ancient builders in the construction of Stonehenge?

(2 points)
mortice and tenon joints keystone and lever joints post and lintel construction tongue and groove joints

Keystone and lever joints was NOT used by ancient builders in the construction of Stonehenge.

Sumerian art takes the form of sculpture or painting. Their artwork was created for which of the following groups of reasons?

(2 points)
spiritual, historical, and reasons of propaganda spiritual, moral, and reasons of beauty historical, moral, and reasons of beauty historical, moral, and reasons of propaganda

Sumerian art was created for spiritual, historical, and reasons of propaganda.

Which of the following is NOT a description of the Sumerian statues from Tell Asmar?

(2 points)
tall, bearded figures with huge, staring eyes and long, pleated skirts made from stone and marble
are all similar in size and weight
bodies are cylindrical with uplifted heads and hands clasped

The description of the Sumerian statues from Tell Asmar that is NOT accurate is "tall, bearded figures with huge, staring eyes and long, pleated skirts made from stone and marble." Sumerian statues from Tell Asmar were typically made from gypsum and had bare upper bodies with prominent eyes, but they did not always have beards or wear long pleated skirts.

This form of Sumerian art was rolled over wet clay on which it left an impression in relief.

(2 points)
stone stele shell inlay cylinder-seals Warka vase

The correct answer is cylinder-seals. Cylinder-seals were rolled over wet clay in Sumerian art, leaving an impression in relief.