What is the surface area of a square pyramid with a base edge is 1.5 cm and the slate height is 4 cm round your answer to the nearest 100

The formula for the surface area of a square pyramid is given by the equation:

Surface Area = Base Area + (1/2) * Perimeter of Base * Slant Height

The base of the pyramid is a square, so its area is equal to the length of one side squared. In this case, the length of one side is 1.5 cm, so the base area is (1.5 cm)^2 = 2.25 cm^2.

The perimeter of the base is calculated by multiplying the length of one side by 4. In this case, the perimeter of the base is 1.5 cm * 4 = 6 cm.

The slant height is given as 4 cm.

Substituting these values into the surface area formula:

Surface Area = 2.25 cm^2 + (1/2) * 6 cm * 4 cm
Surface Area = 2.25 cm^2 + 12 cm^2
Surface Area = 14.25 cm^2

Rounding to the nearest 100, the surface area of the square pyramid is approximately 0 cm^2.