Write the equation of the trigonometric graph. Amplitude is 1, Midline is 1 and Period is pi.

The standard equation for the trigonometric graph can be given as:

y = A*sin(B(x - C)) + D

A represents the amplitude of the graph (the vertical distance from the midline to the maximum or minimum point),
B represents the period (the length of one complete cycle),
C represents the horizontal shift (the amount the graph is shifted horizontally),
D represents the vertical shift (the amount the graph is shifted vertically).

From the given information:
Amplitude = 1 (A = 1)
Midline = 1 (D = 1)
Period = π (B = 2π / Period = 2π / π = 2)

Substituting these values back into the equation, we have:

y = 1*sin(2(x - C)) + 1

Since no horizontal shift is mentioned in the given information, the equation becomes:

y = 1*sin(2(x)) + 1