14. Which of the following is the correct plural form of “fresa sabrosa”? (1 point)

fresas sabroso fresas sabrosas fresa sabrosos fresa sabrosa
15. What is the correct plural form of “una bebida popular”? (1 point)
una bebidas popular unas bebidas popularos unas bebida popular unas bebidas populares

unas bebidas populares

Match the conjugated forms of the stem-changing verb "preferir" to its correct pronoun. (5 points)


él / ella
ustedes /ellos(as)
 prefieren  prefiero  prefiere  preferimos  prefieres

yo - prefiero

tú - prefieres
él / ella - prefiere
nosotros(as) - preferimos
ustedes / ellos(as) - prefieren

17. Which verb below would be used to give your name?

Mi nombre ___________ Juan. (1 point)
estar es somos eres
18. What is the name for Peruvian Chinese food? (1 point)
papas a la huancaina ceviche


19. What letter(s) does the letter "z" change to at the end of a plural noun?

For example: la nariz--> las nari___ (1 point)
The letter "z" changes to "s."
The letter "z" changes to "ces."
The letter "z" changes to "ies."
The letter "z" does not change in the plural.

The letter "z" changes to "ces."

Pick true/false below.

Which of these would you do to "mantener la salud"?
(4 points)
True False
Hacer ejercicio.
Comer muchos pasteles. Beber mucha Coca-cola. Levantar pesas.
