In eukaryotes, DNA (1 point)

is located in the nucleus.
is circular.
floats freely in the cytoplasm. is located in the ribosomes.

The correct answer is: is located in the nucleus.

Eukaryotes contain structures that have specific functions. These

structures are called_____
Unlike smooth endoplasmic reticulum, rough endoplasmic reticulum has______ attached to it.

The structures in eukaryotes that have specific functions are called organelles.

Unlike smooth endoplasmic reticulum, rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes attached to it.

Hair Color of Classmates (by sex)

2 0
Choose the BEST conclusion about the observations made above.
(1 point)
The males had 6 with black hair, 3 with blonde hair, 0 with red
hair, and 6 with brown hair.
The females had 6 with black hair, 3 with blonde hair, 0 with red hair, and 6 with brown hair.
Most of the females had brown hair.
More males had blonde and red hair than females.

The BEST conclusion about the observations made above is:

More males had blonde and red hair than females.

A virus that is actively copying its nucleic acid and then bursting the host cell is undergoing what type of reproduction? (1 point)

mitosis binary fission lysogenic

The correct answer is lytic reproduction.

The information gathered during an experiment is called

The information gathered during an experiment is called data.

What human body system supports, stores minerals, and produces blood cells? (1 point)

muscular circulatory nervous skeletal

The human body system that supports, stores minerals, and produces blood cells is the skeletal system.