You are writing an article on the hardships encountered by pioneers, using a book about the Donner Party as a source.

Which part of the book would provide the best evidence for your thesis that stories about cannibalism among the pioneers were exaggerated by journalists trying to sell newspapers?

Interviews with the descendants of Donner Party survivors

A chart comparing the food values of various animals showing that humans are not very nutritious

Quotes from an anthropology journal on cannibalism throughout human history

Letters and diaries written by the Donner party and other pioneers as they traveled west on wagon trains

The best evidence for the thesis that stories about cannibalism among the pioneers were exaggerated by journalists trying to sell newspapers would be letters and diaries written by the Donner Party and other pioneers as they traveled west on wagon trains. These primary sources would provide first-hand accounts and personal reflections on their experiences, including any hardships encountered during their journey. By examining these letters and diaries, one can evaluate the accuracy and credibility of the cannibalism stories that emerged from the Donner Party tragedy and determine the extent of any potential exaggeration by journalists.