What are the 5 major reasons humans create art? (2 points) Responses for spiritual, historical, or economic reasons, or for beauty or propaganda purposes for spiritual, historical, or economic reasons, or for beauty or propaganda purposes for spiritual, selfish, or moral reasons, or for beauty and propaganda purposes for spiritual, selfish, or moral reasons, or for beauty and propaganda purposes for spiritual, historical, or moral reasons, or for beauty and propaganda purposes for spiritual, historical, or moral reasons, or for beauty and propaganda purposes for spiritual, historical, or selfish reasons, or for beauty and propaganda purposes

The five major reasons humans create art are:

1. Spiritual reasons: Art has often been created as a means of expressing and exploring spiritual or religious beliefs. It can serve as a medium for connecting with the divine or for sharing cultural and religious traditions.

2. Historical reasons: Art has been used throughout history as a tool for documenting and preserving historical events, cultures, and societies. It can provide valuable insights into periods of time, serving as a visual record for future generations.

3. Economic reasons: Art has a significant economic impact, with industries such as the art market, galleries, museums, and tourism relying on it for financial gain. Creating art can also be a source of livelihood for artists, contributing to their economic well-being.

4. Beauty reasons: Art is often created to evoke an aesthetic response and to provide pleasure or enjoyment. It can be appreciated for its inherent beauty, craftsmanship, and artistic skill.

5. Propaganda purposes: Art can be used as a means of communication and persuasion, often to promote political, social, or ideological messages. Propaganda art aims to influence public opinion, shape beliefs, and motivate action.