Why does a guy tell a girl I was really patient when I was younger I’m patient now I don’t know why I wasn’t patient when I was younger

There could be a few reasons why a guy would mention being patient when he was younger and express confusion about not being patient back then. Some possible explanations could include:

1. Self-reflection and growth: As people mature and gain life experience, they often become more patient and understanding. The guy might be acknowledging his personal growth and development over time, recognizing that he has changed and improved as a person.

2. Relationship context: If the guy is discussing patience in the context of a romantic relationship, he might be trying to emphasize that he has learned from past experiences and is now capable of being patient and understanding in a relationship.

3. Regret or self-analysis: The guy might be expressing regret for not being patient in his younger years and analyzing why he lacked this trait. This could indicate a desire to better understand himself and improve his behavior.

Ultimately, without more context or information, it is difficult to determine the specific motivations or intentions behind this statement.