Determine the amplitude, period, and phase shift for y=3sin(4x)

The general equation for a sinusoidal function is y = A sin(Bx + C) + D, where A is the amplitude, B is the coefficient of x, C is the phase shift, and D is the vertical shift.

In the given equation y = 3sin(4x), we can observe the following values:

Amplitude (A): 3 - The amplitude is the absolute value of the coefficient multiplying the sin function, which in this case is 3.

Period (P): The period can be calculated using the formula P = 2π/B. In this case, the coefficient of x is 4, so the period is P = 2π/4 = π/2.

Phase Shift (C): There is no phase shift in this equation because there is no "x - C" term.

Therefore, the amplitude is 3, the period is π/2, and there is no phase shift.