what is Addition and Subtraction Property of Equality

The Addition Property of Equality states that for any real numbers a, b, and c, if a = b, then a + c = b + c. In other words, adding the same number to both sides of an equation does not change the equality.

For example, if 2 = 5, then by adding 3 to both sides of the equation, we get 2 + 3 = 5 + 3, which simplifies to 5 = 8. Although the original equation was false, the new equation is also false because we applied the addition property incorrectly.

The Subtraction Property of Equality is a similar concept that states for any real numbers a, b, and c, if a = b, then a - c = b - c. In other words, subtracting the same number from both sides of an equation does not change the equality.

For example, if 7 = 10, then by subtracting 2 from both sides of the equation, we get 7 - 2 = 10 - 2, which simplifies to 5 = 8. Again, by applying the subtraction property incorrectly, we end up with a false equation.