to attacks that "fly above space and time" physically travel thru space and time to reach the target?

No, when it is said that attacks "fly above space and time," it generally means that they possess a supernatural or metaphysical characteristic that allows them to transcend the conventional laws of space and time. These attacks are often depicted as having the ability to bypass physical distances and temporal limitations. Therefore, they do not physically travel through space and time in the same way that regular objects or individuals would. Instead, they are portrayed as being able to directly affect the target, regardless of their location or the specific moment in time.


In fictional settings where attacks can "fly above space and time," the concept is often used as a narrative device to introduce otherworldly or supernatural elements. In these cases, such attacks are not bound by the limitations of conventional physics. Instead, they possess abilities that allow them to bypass physical distances and time constraints.

The exact mechanics can vary depending on the specific fictional universe, as it is ultimately up to the creativity and rules established within that world. Some possibilities include attacks that travel through alternate dimensions, attacks that manipulate space-time itself to reach their target, or attacks that originate from a source outside of traditional physical reality.

Ultimately, the purpose of attacks that "fly above space and time" in fiction is to add an extra layer of intrigue, mystery, and fantastical elements to the story. They often create a sense of awe and wonder as characters and readers alike discover the incredible powers and phenomena that exist beyond the confines of our ordinary world.