1. A train moving at a constant speed travels 180 mi in 4 h. How far does the train travel in 7 h?

A. 360 mi
B. 315 mi
C. 280 mi
D. 420 mi

To find how far the train travels in 7 hours, we can use the equation:

distance = speed × time.

We are given that the train is traveling at a constant speed, so we can use the information given to determine the speed of the train.

The train travels 180 mi in 4 hours, so its speed is:
speed = distance / time = 180 mi / 4 h = 45 mi/h.

To find how far the train travels in 7 hours, we can use the equation:
distance = speed × time = 45 mi/h × 7 h = 315 mi.

Therefore, the train travels 315 mi in 7 hours.

The correct answer is B. 315 mi.