Mary is 6 years older than Natalie. They have a combined age of 22 years? How old is Mary? Use the replacement set {6, 8, 10, 12, 14}

Let's assign variables to the ages of Mary and Natalie. Let M be Mary's age and N be Natalie's age.

From the given information, we can create two equations:
1) M = N + 6 (Mary is 6 years older than Natalie)
2) M + N = 22 (their combined age is 22)

Substituting equation 1 into equation 2, we have:
(N + 6) + N = 22
2N + 6 = 22
2N = 16
N = 8

Substituting this value of N into equation 1, we can find M:
M = 8 + 6
M = 14

Therefore, Mary is 14 years old.