To rent a car you need to pay a flat P plus $20 for each mile that you drive which equation could be used to solve for the price of the initial fee. If the total cost of a rental was $60 when the car was driven 40 miles, when the answer be 60+0.2 in parentheses 40 equals X or 0.2 X +40 equals 60 or 0.260 in parentheses plus X equals 40 and last would it be X +0.240 in parentheses equals 60 which one is a correct answer

The correct equation that could be used to solve for the price of the initial fee is:

P + $20 per mile = Total cost of rental

In this case, since the total cost of the rental was $60 when the car was driven 40 miles, the equation would be:

P + $20 per mile * 40 miles = $60

Simplifying the equation:

P + $800 = $60

P = $60 - $800

P = -$740

However, a negative initial fee doesn't make sense in this context, so none of the given options is correct.