The sales at a baseball game vary directly with the number of people attending. If the sales for a game are $15,000when 500 people attend, determine how many people attend if the sales for a game are $24,000.


1800 people
1800 people

800 people
800 people

8,000 people

800,000 people

To solve this problem, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

Sales / Number of people = Constant

$15,000 / 500 = $24,000 / x

Cross multiplying, we get:

$15,000 * x = $24,000 * 500

15,000x = 12,000,000

Dividing both sides by 15,000, we get:

x = 12,000,000 / 15,000

x = 800

Therefore, 800 people attend if the sales for a game are $24,000.