Use the image to answer the question.

A Cartesian coordinate plane's axes range from negative 4 to 4, both by 1-unit increments. 2 dashed lines with arrows at both ends are plotted, and various regions of the graph are marked.

Select a true statement to describe the graphed system of inequalities.

(1 point)

The system has no solutions.
The system has no solutions.

The system has one solution.
The system has one solution.

The system has infinite solutions.
The system has infinite solutions.

The system has two solutions.
The system has two solutions.
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Without the image provided, it is not possible to accurately determine the true statement that describes the graphed system of inequalities. Please provide the image for further assistance.

Take a random guess

Based on the given information, and without the image, a possible guess would be:

The system has infinite solutions.