Rollback and Commit commands Create Teacher table with the following

fields(Name, DeptNo, Date of joining, DeptName, Location, Salary) .
( a ). Insert five records
( b ) Give Increment of 25% salary for Mathematics Department .
( c ) Perform Rollback command
( d ) Give Increment of 15% salary for Commerce Department
( e ) Perform commit command

Here are the SQL commands for creating the Teacher table, inserting five records, giving an increment of 25% salary for the Mathematics department, performing a rollback command, giving an increment of 15% salary for the Commerce department, and performing a commit command:

(a) Create Teacher table:
Name VARCHAR(50),
DeptNo INT,
DateOfJoining DATE,
DeptName VARCHAR(50),
Location VARCHAR(50),
Salary DECIMAL(10, 2)

(b) Insert five records:
INSERT INTO Teacher (Name, DeptNo, DateOfJoining, DeptName, Location, Salary) VALUES
('John Smith', 1, '2021-01-01', 'Mathematics', 'New York', 50000),
('Jane Doe', 2, '2020-05-15', 'Physics', 'Los Angeles', 60000),
('Michael Johnson', 1, '2022-03-10', 'Mathematics', 'Chicago', 55000),
('Emily Wilson', 3, '2019-09-20', 'Chemistry', 'San Francisco', 45000),
('David Brown', 4, '2020-11-30', 'Commerce', 'Dallas', 52000);

(c) Rollback command:

(d) Increase salary by 15% for Commerce department:
UPDATE Teacher SET Salary = Salary + (Salary * 0.15) WHERE DeptName = 'Commerce';

(e) Commit command: