How to answer oral questions fluency and understanding English

1. Practice speaking English regularly: The more you practice speaking in English, the more fluent you will become. Find a language partner or join a conversation group to practice your speaking skills.

2. Listen to native English speakers: Listening to English podcasts, watching movies or TV shows in English, and listening to English songs can help you become familiar with the natural flow and pronunciation of the language.

3. Read aloud: Reading English texts out loud can help improve your pronunciation and fluency. Start with simple texts and gradually move on to more complex ones.

4. Use English in everyday situations: Challenge yourself to use English in your daily life whenever possible, such as ordering food at a restaurant, asking for directions, or engaging in conversations with English speakers.

5. Take note of common expressions and phrases: Pay attention to commonly used idiomatic expressions and phrases in English. Incorporate them into your conversations to increase your fluency.

6. Expand your vocabulary: Learn new words and phrases regularly. Use flashcards or smartphone apps to review and practice your vocabulary.

7. Practice thinking in English: Try to think in English as much as possible, especially when you're alone. This helps you become more comfortable with the language and improves your fluency.

8. Take advantage of online resources: There are many websites and apps available that provide exercises, quizzes, and interactive lessons to help improve your English fluency and understanding.

9. Don't be afraid to make mistakes: Remember that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. Embrace them as opportunities to learn and improve.

10. Seek feedback and guidance: Ask for feedback from native English speakers or language teachers to identify areas for improvement. Take their suggestions and apply them to your speaking practice.