A student creates a competition on model of energy changes by experienced by a pendulum

Title: Pendulum Energy Challenge

The Pendulum Energy Challenge aims to foster understanding of energy transformations and conservation by investigating the various types of energy changes experienced by a pendulum. Participants will explore how potential energy converts to kinetic energy and back, while also recognizing the effects of friction and air resistance.

Competition Format:
The competition will consist of the following components:

1. Research and Presentation:
Participants must conduct thorough research on the topic of pendulum energy and create a presentation showcasing their knowledge. The presentation should include explanations of potential and kinetic energy, the role of gravity, and the factors affecting energy transfer in a pendulum. Students can use diagrams, images, graphs, and videos to enhance their presentation. Each team will have a specific time limit for their presentation.

2. Pendulum Design and Construction:
Teams will be tasked with designing and constructing their own pendulum within given constraints such as length, mass, and materials. The objective is to optimize the pendulum's energy transfer by minimizing external factors like friction and air resistance. The pendulum's design should be based on scientific principles learned during research.

3. Performance and Efficiency:
During the competition, each team's pendulum will be judged based on its performance and efficiency. The performance will be evaluated by measuring the amplitude, rate of swing, and time period of the pendulum. The efficiency will be determined by calculating the percentage of energy lost due to friction and air resistance.

4. Data Analysis:
Teams will analyze the data collected from their pendulum's performance and efficiency tests. They will compare their results with other teams and discuss the factors that contributed to the differences in energy changes and conservation. Teams will then present their data analysis and conclusions to the judges.

5. Questions and Answers:
A round of questions and answers will test each team's understanding of the concepts learned and their ability to apply them. Teams will be scored based on the accuracy and clarity of their responses.

Evaluation Criteria:
Teams will be evaluated on the following criteria:

1. Research and Presentation:
- Accuracy and depth of scientific content
- Clarity of presentation
- Effective use of visual aids

2. Pendulum Design and Construction:
- Adherence to constraints
- Creativity and originality
- Attention to detail in construction

3. Performance and Efficiency:
- Swing amplitude and rate
- Time period consistency
- Degree of energy conservation

4. Data Analysis:
- Accurate data collection and organization
- Sound scientific reasoning
- Clear and concise conclusions

5. Questions and Answers:
- Correctness and relevance of answers
- Depth of understanding and application of knowledge

Note: To encourage fairness, the competition rules and constraints should be provided to all participants in advance. It is also recommended to have a panel of judges with expertise in physics or related fields and provide opportunities for feedback and learning.