What other information do you need to prove the triangles congruent using the AAS Congruence Postulate?

To prove triangles congruent using the AAS Congruence Postulate, you need the following information:

1) Angle-Angle-Side (AAS) condition: Two angles and the side between them in one triangle are congruent to two angles and the side between them in another triangle.
2) The measure of each of the two angles in one triangle with the measure of the corresponding angles in the other triangle.
3) The length of the side between the two congruent angles in one triangle with the length of the corresponding side in the other triangle.
4) The triangles need to be non-right triangles since the AAS Congruence Postulate does not apply to right triangles.

Therefore, you need the measures of two angles and the length of the side between those angles in both triangles to prove them congruent using the AAS Congruence Postulate.