Identify why Sweden was relatively more successful than Denmark and Norway based on maps, geographic location, and resources.(1 point)


Sweden had greater distance from its enemies such as England and Russia.
Sweden had greater distance from its enemies such as England and Russia.

Sweden’s mountainous terrain protected it from enemies.
Sweden’s mountainous terrain protected it from enemies.

Sweden had access to fjords.
Sweden had access to fjords.

Sweden had more fertile land because of inland rivers.
Sweden had more fertile land because of inland rivers.

All of the responses are correct and contribute to why Sweden was relatively more successful than Denmark and Norway.

- The greater distance from enemies such as England and Russia provided Sweden with a geographical advantage, as it was less susceptible to invasions and conflicts.
- The mountainous terrain of Sweden acted as a natural barrier, making it harder for enemies to invade and conquer the country.
- The access to fjords in Sweden provided the country with natural harbors and trading routes, allowing for easier transportation and trade.
- The presence of inland rivers in Sweden resulted in more fertile land, which in turn allowed for better agricultural production and economic growth.