What happened during The Civil War (remember to focus on GEORGIA) Summarize the event!

During the Civil War, Georgia played a significant role as a vital Confederate state. It witnessed numerous significant events and battles that shaped the course of the war. Here is a summary of the events that occurred in Georgia during the Civil War:

1. Secession: Georgia seceded from the United States on January 19, 1861, becoming one of the founding members of the Confederate States of America.

2. Atlanta Campaign: One of the most significant military campaigns of the war, it involved Union General William T. Sherman's attempt to capture the critical city of Atlanta. The campaign began in May 1864 and lasted for several months, involving numerous battles and skirmishes across northern Georgia.

3. Battle of Chickamauga: Fought from September 18-20, 1863, near Chickamauga Creek, this was the largest battle fought in Georgia during the war. Confederate troops led by General Braxton Bragg defeated Union forces led by General William Rosecrans, forcing them to retreat to Chattanooga.

4. Sherman's March to the Sea: After capturing Atlanta in September 1864, General Sherman embarked on his infamous march to the sea. His forces, known as the Union Army of Georgia, destroyed railroads, industries, and Confederate infrastructure as they marched across Georgia towards Savannah. This devastating campaign aimed to demoralize the Confederacy and break its will to fight.

5. Battle of Atlanta: Fought on July 22, 1864, this battle was a part of the Atlanta Campaign. Union forces under General Sherman launched a frontal assault on Confederate defenses but faced heavy casualties. The battle resulted in the Confederates withdrawing from Atlanta, allowing the Union to capture the city.

6. Battle of Kennesaw Mountain: Taking place from June 27 to July 2, 1864, this battle was another significant engagement during the Atlanta Campaign. It involved Union forces attempting to dislodge Confederate troops entrenched on Kennesaw Mountain. Despite heavy casualties, the Union forces were unable to achieve a decisive victory.

7. Surrender and the end of the war: As General Sherman continued his march through Georgia, he received the surrender of Savannah on December 21, 1864. This virtually marked the end of major Confederate resistance in the state, and the war eventually concluded in April 1865 with the surrender of the Confederacy as a whole.

Overall, Georgia experienced significant battles, the capture of its capital, and devastating military campaigns that ultimately reshaped the state and played a pivotal role in determining the outcome of the Civil War.