Consider the numbers 13, 16, 27 and 41.

A. Which of these numbers are prime? How do you know?
B. Which of these numbers are composite? How do you know?

A. Out of the numbers 13, 16, 27, and 41:

- 13 is a prime number because it is only divisible by 1 and 13, without any other factors.
- 16 is not a prime number because it is divisible by 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16. It has factors other than 1 and itself.
- 27 is not a prime number because it is divisible by 1, 3, 9, and 27. It has factors other than 1 and itself.
- 41 is a prime number because it is only divisible by 1 and 41, without any other factors.

B. The composite numbers among the given numbers are:

- 16 is a composite number because it has factors other than 1 and itself, such as 2, 4, 8, and 16.
- 27 is a composite number because it has factors other than 1 and itself, such as 3, 9, and 27.