Lashonda drove 385 miles in 7 hours.

At the same rate, how long would it take her to drive 275 miles?

To find out how long it would take Lashonda to drive 275 miles, we can set up a proportion by using the given information.

We know that Lashonda drove 385 miles in 7 hours. Let's call the unknown time as "x" hours to drive 275 miles.

The ratio of distance to time is the same, so we can set up the proportion:

385 miles / 7 hours = 275 miles / x hours

To solve this proportion, we can cross multiply:

385 * x = 275 * 7

Now, we can solve for x:

385x = 1925

Divide both sides by 385:

x = 1925 / 385

x = 5

Therefore, it would take Lashonda 5 hours to drive 275 miles at the same rate.