Consider the following two monetary incentives when purchasing a desktop computer at the regular price of $299.

25% Off All Desktops with Regular Price of $200 or More.
$70 Rebate on Any Purchase of $200 or More.
Find the final price of the better incentive, after the discount has been applied. Round the answer to two decimal places.

To find the final price of each incentive, we need to determine what the discount or rebate would be.

For the first incentive: 25% off implies the discount is 25% of the original price ($299). So the discount would be 0.25 * $299 = $74.75.

For the second incentive: The rebate is a fixed amount of $70.

To find the final price, we subtract the discount or rebate from the original price.

For the first incentive: $299 - $74.75 = $224.25

For the second incentive: $299 - $70 = $229

Comparing the two final prices, the better incentive is the first one with a final price of $224.25.