Which two river valley civilizations will you compare and contrast?

I will compare and contrast the river valley civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley.

Part 1

Respond to each of the following questions. Be sure to provide information about
both of your chosen civilizations in each response. Your responses should all be in
complete sentences and should follow conventional guidelines for spelling,
grammar, and punctuation. Use your textbook and your notes to help you answer
the questions.
Compare Geography
1. In what present-day countries can the sites of your civilizations be found?

The site of the Mesopotamian civilization can be found in present-day Iraq, while the Indus Valley civilization is located in present-day Pakistan and parts of northwest India.

2. What is the present-day name of the river(s) around which your chosen

civilizations were based?

The Mesopotamian civilization was based around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, while the Indus Valley civilization developed along the Indus River.

3. What is the climate today in the region of the ancient civilization?

The climate today in the region of the Mesopotamian civilization, specifically in Iraq, is a hot desert climate with extremely high temperatures during the summer months. Similarly, the region of the ancient Indus Valley civilization, which encompasses parts of Pakistan and northwest India, has a varied climate. It experiences hot summers and relatively cooler winters, with monsoon rains during the summer months.

4. How did the people of the civilizations use the river?

The people of the Mesopotamian civilization used the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for various purposes. They relied on the rivers for irrigation to support their agriculture, as the rivers flooded annually and deposited fertile silt that made the land suitable for farming. Additionally, the rivers provided a means of transportation and trade, as they allowed for the movement of goods and facilitated the development of trade networks.

Similarly, the people of the Indus Valley civilization utilized the Indus River for irrigation purposes as well. They constructed an elaborate system of canals and drainage networks to control the flow of water and distribute it to their agricultural fields. Moreover, the river served as a vital trade route, connecting the different city-states of the civilization and facilitating trade within the region and with other neighboring cultures.

5. How did the people of the civilizations deal with flooding of the river?