Use the sentence below to answer the questions TikTok should be banned in 3 to 5 sentences right and opposing claim in your answer. You should also include two points you might use to counter that opposing claim.

TikTok should be banned because it poses significant privacy and security risks to its users. Firstly, the app collects vast amounts of personal data from its users, including their location, browsing history, and even facial recognition information, which raises concerns about user privacy. Additionally, there have been numerous reports of TikTok being used as a vehicle for spreading misinformation, hate speech, and cyberbullying, putting users at risk of mental and emotional harm. Critics may argue that banning TikTok infringes on freedom of expression and limits creativity, but two counterpoints can be made. Firstly, there are alternative platforms that allow users to express themselves creatively without compromising privacy or security. Secondly, due to the nature of TikTok's algorithmic feed, it mainly promotes popular trends and content, potentially suppressing diverse opinions and voices.