make a 5 grade argumental essay about Is Determination the Key to Success?

Is Determination the Key to Success?


Success is something that most individuals strive to achieve in their lives. Whether it be in academics, sports, personal lives, or careers, success is a goal that people work towards. But what truly drives someone towards success? Is it talent, luck, or something else altogether? This essay will argue that determination is the key to success.

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Determination creates a positive mindset. When individuals are determined, they develop a positive attitude towards their goals and challenges. This positive mindset enables them to overcome obstacles, stay focused, and maintain a motivation to succeed. For example, consider a student who faces a difficult math problem. If they tackle it with determination, they will likely approach it with a positive attitude, leading to better problem-solving abilities and increased chances of solving it successfully.

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Determination leads to perseverance. Success is not always achieved on the first attempt. It requires persistence, resilience, and the ability to keep trying even when faced with failures or setbacks. Determined individuals are more likely to persevere through tough times, keeping their eyes on the end goal. For instance, athletes who train relentlessly and show unwavering determination are more likely to achieve success in their respective sports than those who give up easily.

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Determination fuels hard work. Hard work is an essential component of success. It is the effort and dedication put into achieving a goal that brings forth favorable outcomes. Determined individuals are willing to put in the necessary time and effort to reach their objectives, even when it becomes challenging or demanding. This commitment to hard work increases the likelihood of achieving success. Consider a musician who practices diligently for hours every day to perfect their skills. Without determination and the willingness to work hard, they would not improve and achieve success in their musical career.

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Determination promotes learning and growth. Success comes not only from achieving immediate goals but also from continually learning and growing. Determined individuals are eager to develop new skills, acquire knowledge, and improve themselves. They see their failures as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than as reasons to give up. For instance, an entrepreneur who faces multiple business failures may become even more determined to learn from their mistakes and try again, ultimately increasing their chances of success.


While talent and luck may play a role in certain situations, determination stands as a crucial factor in achieving success. With determination, individuals develop a positive mindset, persevere through challenges, work hard, and embrace learning and growth. By acknowledging determination as the key to success and incorporating it into our lives, we can increase our chances of accomplishing our goals and living a fulfilling life.