If 5 pints of juice is sold for $3.50 , how many pints of juice will you get for $8.75?

To determine how many pints of juice you will get for $8.75, you can set up a proportion using the ratio of pints to dollars.

The ratio is 5 pints / $3.50.
Let x be the number of pints of juice you will get for $8.75.
So, the proportion is:
5 pints / $3.50 = x pints / $8.75
Cross-multiplying, we get:
5 * $8.75 = $3.50 * x
$43.75 = $3.50x
Dividing both sides of the equation by $3.50, we find:
x = $43.75 / $3.50
x = 12.5
Therefore, you will get 12.5 pints of juice for $8.75.