Mo has $90.00 already saved and has a job making $8.00 per hour. Merv already has $50.00 saved and has a job making $10.00 per hour.

At what point have Mo and Merv worked the same hours to save the same amount of money?

Let x be the number of hours that Mo and Merv have both worked.

Mo's total savings after x hours is $8x + $90.
Merv's total savings after x hours is $10x + $50.
Setting these two expressions equal, we get $8x + $90 = $10x + $50.
Subtracting $8x and $50 from both sides, we get $40 = $2x.
Dividing both sides by $2, we get x = 20.
Therefore, Mo and Merv have worked the same number of hours when x = 20. The total savings for both of them at this point would be $8(20) + $90 = $160 + $90 = $250.