16) What textual evidence can you provide to support your answer to the question above? (1 point) "Team members try to throw a disc at the opposing team's wickets—which are wooden or metal rectangles placed in the ground with empty cups on top." "My next step will be to take the interested students to a fricket game." "Fricket is similar in many ways to the game of cricket, but it is played with a flying disc rather than a ball." "I know from personal experience that they will quickly be hooked on this exciting game!"

The textual evidence that can support the answer to the question above is: "Team members try to throw a disc at the opposing team's wickets—which are wooden or metal rectangles placed in the ground with empty cups on top." This statement shows that the objective of fricket is to throw a disc at the opposing team's wickets, which is similar to cricket's objective of hitting the wickets with a ball.