What were the strengths of the Articles of Confederation?

- One of the strengths of the Articles of Confederation was that it allowed for the creation of a unified government for the newly formed United States of America. It established a framework for cooperation and coordination among the 13 states, enabling them to work together towards common goals.

- The Articles of Confederation also provided a mechanism for resolving disputes among the states. It created a Congress with the power to mediate conflicts between states and negotiate treaties with foreign nations.

- Another strength of the Articles of Confederation was its emphasis on individual state sovereignty. It allowed each state to maintain a large degree of autonomy and self-governance, which was important to many citizens who had recently fought for their independence from a powerful central authority.

- The Articles of Confederation also played a role in shaping the future Constitution of the United States. It served as a trial run for the principles of federalism and limited government, providing valuable lessons and insights that informed the drafting of the Constitution.

- Additionally, the Articles of Confederation established important precedents for the United States, such as the prohibition of a standing army during peacetime. This helped to establish a skepticism towards a powerful military and a focus on civilian control.