Molly has 6 grandchildren and she like to be fair and get them all gifts at the same time. She found some jigsaw puzzles that were 50€ off each. Find out how much the original price was if she spent 27 dollars total.

Let X be the original price of the puzzles.

The total cost after the discount is X - 50€.
Molly bought 6 puzzles, so she paid 6 * (X - 50€) = 6X - 300€ in total.
We know that 1€ = $1. Therefore, her total spending in dollars was 6X - 300€ = 6X - 300$.
This amount is given as $27, so we have the equation 6X - 300$ = $27.
Adding $300 to both sides gives 6X = $327.
Dividing both sides by 6 gives X = $327 / 6 = $<<327/6=54.5>>54.5
Therefore, the original price of the puzzles was $54.5. Answer: \boxed{54.5}.